Thursday, June 9, 2016

7 Ways You're Probably Damaging Your Eyes Every Day

The human eyes are a very delicate body part that many of us are fortunate to use every day, yet easily take for granted. Not only do we use our eyes for reading, using the computer, and watching movies and TV, but also for cooking, driving, enjoying summertime's beautiful scenery or Dave Franco's perfection, and of course, observing context clues through body language from others around us; also known as, spying on our cute neighbors. I'm kidding, don't do that. (Not really.)
From living our lives and going through busy schedules, it isn't rare for many to neglect and take our eyesight for granted. There are even a bunch of things we often do that harm our eyesight in the long run without even knowing it!
1. Staring at a bright screen in the dark.
This can be watching TV in the dark or using your computer in the dark with a high contrast on the screen. This does major harm because of the intense light glaring directly at your eyes.
Solution: Even though you want to save on your electricity bill by reducing your light usage as much as possible, don't you think your eyesight is more valuable? (Glasses, contacts and other eye-care needs may add up to cost more, compared to a few extra cents to dollars on an electricity bill.) Make sure to leave some kind of light on near you while watching TV. Even a small lamp will suffice for brightening up the area enough. This will calm down the cellphone, computer or TV screen's intensity in the room and lessen the strain on your eyes. You can even try wearing sunglasses. Hey, it helps.
Also, be sure to lower the brightness! On some reading apps like iBooks or Kindle, there are nighttime features available for you to use that will alter the color of the screen or the background and text. They're less harsh on the eyes and you'll feel it, too.

2. Staring at a screen for too long.

Have you ever gotten an annoying headache in the middle of reading or doing work on your computer? Or that feeling where your eyes seem to be painfully pulsating under its lids? Do you also sometimes feel like rubbing them a lot? It's most likely because you've been looking at your cellphone, computer or TV screen for too long without any breaks.
Solution: If you have no choice and need to spend the prolonged amount of time on your computer, set a timer for a reminder every 20 minutes to take quick breaks away from the screen. 
Take this five-minute break to rest your eyes by looking outside or at faraway objects in the room, going for a walk, drinking water or placing some sliced cucumbers over your eyelids. (The ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumbers brings down the water retention in the eyes, helping to reduce the swelling and puffiness around them.) A cool and damp towel over your upper face is also relaxing. The break counts as long as you rest your eyes from looking at any electronic screen.
3. Overuse of contact lenses.
While oxygen is crucial for maintaining healthy eyes, contact lenses sit directly on the eye, andusing them decreases the amount of oxygen that reaching the cornea, which is a clear layer over the eye as a protector against dirt, bacteria and other harmful debris. Besides getting most of its oxygen from the air, small blood vessels in the eye offer some as well. If contacts are in use, the body makes up for the absence of oxygen by creating new blood vessels to create more oxygen, leading to a buildup of vessels. This causes redness and irritation in the eye. Even if there might not be any visible problem right now, the lack of oxygen to the eyes can do major damage. 
Contact lenses are fine to use, but overusing them may bring a handful of effects such as swollen eyes from the lack of oxygen, red and irritated eyes and possible eye infections.
Solution: Let your eyes breathe before its too late. Even though we all have long days, wearing your contacts from morning to midnight is a no, no. This means our poor eyes haven't been able to breathe the whole day! 
Try as much as possible to only use your contacts for, at a maximum of eight hours and if possible, less than that. After, you can switch to glasses or vice versa. Make sure to practice proper hygiene for your contacts, its case and solution, too. A newer and available option is to get soft silicone hydrogel contact lenses, which allow more oxygen to reach the eye.
4. Reading in dim lighting.

All you bookworms out there, I feel you. Sometimes you just can't wait to find out what happens next in the story you're reading, so out of excitement, you immediately start reading by using the tiniest bit of moonlight or streetlight shining through your window. Yes, I know. You're feeling too lazy to get up and turn on the light in the room, but that tiny light is too dim because it isn't concentrated specifically on the material you're reading! If you find yourself struggling even a little to read through squinting, then you need more light.
Solution: Don't sacrifice your eyesight out of laziness! Get a lamp to place next to your bed so you won't read in the dark. Bonus points are given for finding a lamp with an easy access switch so you won't be even more lazy to reach over for it. A smooth switch with a comfortably long cord makes it easy to reach and press, rather than a short, pull-string switch.
Another option available is to get a book light, a convenient little gadget that allows you to clip on a mini light onto your book.

5. Reading while lying down.

Although we like to lie down and relax in bed after a long day with a good book or magazine, reading while lying down can cause long-term harm to the eyes. Because of the unnatural position for our eyes to read looking up or sideways, rather than the regular way while sitting up, the more tired your eyes will be from working harder to read. This leads to eye strain, bringing irritation and soreness and can potentially worsen your eyesight in the long run.
Solution: If you still want to stay in bed, prop up a pillow behind your back for comfortable support. This way, your eyes won't be struggling to read up and you'll still be comfy in bed. An even more comfortable solution is to get a bedrest cushion.
6. Trying to decipher something you can't see clearly.

Squinting at the class board from across the room. Struggling to read a restaurant's menu from far away – or even super close, for those who are farsighted. Trying to see from afar if it could be your old friend or possibly the person you've been trying to avoid. Whichever the case, pushing your eyes to overwork strains them, gradually blurring your vision throughout time. Don't be surprised if you feel like your sight has gotten worse after continuously doing these things.
Solution: Look into getting some glasses or contacts. The cost will be worth saving your vision in the long run. If you already have glasses, don't be lazy to find them around the house or in your purse. It only takes a quick moment! Or you can just go closer to the class board, menu or person for a clearer view. You'll even be able to lessen the growth of wrinkles on your forehead that are gained from all that squinting.
7. U.V. Rays.
Whenever we go out in the day, we're exposed to U.V. rays which come from the sun. Despite the presence of U.V. rays even on cloudy days, extra sunny days leave you more likely to having you squint your eyes in attempt to block the sun out. By doing this, you aren't only giving yourself wrinkles and straining your eyes from the extreme squinting but you're forced to leave a bit of your eyelids to stay open to see, allowing U.V. rays to shine in your eyes.
Solution: Remember to bring and wear sunglasses, a brimmed hat, or both to protect your eyes from getting beamed at by the rays. This becomes very important when driving. Who cares if the only sunglasses you can find are your younger sister's tiny Disney Princess ones. Protect those eyes!
Whether you read loads of Odyssey articles on your phone, edit videos on your computer, binge watch your favorite TV shows, use contacts on the daily, or go outside under the beaming sun, just remember to be cautious, caring and thankful for your eyesight! Now, back to finishing our next episode on Netflix...

A Guide To Beginning A New Summer

It's that time of year again, when students are out of school, and for some, back at home, with more time to spare. The ending of an academic year and beginning of another summer vacation is an excellent time to shed away the past and our old beings for a renewed self, inside and out. The process for a brand-new start won't only be liberating, but very fun as well!

Part 1: Cleaner and clearer.

Clean and organize your environment.

Decluttering your environment is a vital step to having a fresh start. The cleaner your surroundings are, the more your mind will be able to think clearly. You'll begin to feel more positive and motivated throughout the process! This is a great time to open up your Spotify playlists and leave them on play while you clean and organize for a more lively mood!
Your environment can be areas you spend any time of day in, especially when studying, doing work or other productive activities. This can be your bedroom, entire home or apartment and even your car.
Just start by collecting all of the things you no longer need or want; such as old clothes, accessories, decor, books and possibly even accumulated miscellaneous papers from school. Ever felt the need to keep your old notes and worksheets from high school, thinking they'd come in handy for help later on? If so, then that's great! If not, like many others, it's time to let go of them for more space. Use boxes, bags or any container to create four categories ready for selling, donating, recycling and throwing away.
Once you've gotten those decided and separated, get out your cleaning supplies because it's time to clean! Dust, sweep, vacuum and wipe down everything that needs a new shine. After cleaning, you can finally reorganize the rest of your things in a different and new way you'd like. Seeing a physical change in your environment, will help you feel mentally clear and refreshed. Lighting a scented candle that isn't too overwhelming or placing a real mini-plant in the room adds a perfect touch, too!
Feel free to even clear out your phone of old messages, recordings, photos and videos to have more space for the new media you'll capture throughout the summer!
A really fun extra step you can take is if you want to revamp your personal style. You can color your hair, get a new haircut or change up your wardrobe!
Part 2: Productivity.

Set a goal.

The second part to beginning a new summer is being productive! Begin a new routine or set a goal. A few to name may be to eat healthier, exercise every day, strengthen your spiritual health, read more books, cook new dishes, learn a new language, instrument, how to paint, and much more. However big or small the goal may be, go for it! The entire summer will be enough to see results!
Personal projects.
Summer vacation is an awesome time to work on the personal projects you've been yearning to continue on but haven't been able to because of a busy school year. Going hand in hand with setting a goal, you can continue practicing that sport, instrument or language you've already begun for a while. You can finally take this time to enjoy tackling those Pinterest "DIY" crafts, writing more for your personal blog, making music for that postponed EP, uploading more videos on your YouTube channel, or whatever fun activity you love to do!
For those who will be returning for another fall semester, you can use this time to get a head start and familiarize yourself with some of the classes you'll be taking by studying a little about it. By the time classes begin, you definitely won't be left behind!

Summer courses.

Even though summer vacation is known for taking a break from classes, there's nothing wrong with receiving more credits for school. Enrolling in summer courses is great for saving time. Saving money is also considered, if you decide on taking them at your local community college and transferring them later on to your current college or university. 
Applying for scholarships is a must for every college student. Even though our doubt in our chances of actually winning may sometimes get to us, it never hurts to apply! Who can say no to money for school? Continue striving and you'll eventually win some! Most of the time, one of the best resources for scholarships is from the school you attend! Colleges and universities tend to be more generous to their own students. Be sure to remember to apply before the general deadline in February.
Here are a few websites to look into for scholarships:
Summer job.

If you want to earn more money, then getting a summer job is an obvious choice! Whether it's retail, fast food or any other job, the money earned can be added to your college tuition, additional help for family or something extra to enjoy. Every little bit counts! Walk into your favorite shops and stores to ask for an application. You can Google their company and apply online, too. 
Despite the dread of becoming another Andrea Sachs from "The Devil Wears Prada," getting a summer internship is an excellent and necessary step for most, if not all, college students for that head start they will need in their careers. It'll help in the long run for gaining experience and a potential job after graduation. A lot of the time, your professors and counselors are experienced in the field you're focusing on and will be able to help you find some internships! There's no harm in emailing or calling a company you're interested in to see if they'll be willing to take you as an intern. Other than that, our trusty Google is always there for searching. 
Whether you choose to take on any of these activities or not, hopefully this guide has brought some inspiration out of you for starting a new summer and the goals you hope to achieve!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Different Types of One-Sided & Unrequited Loves

Having your feelings unreturned is the worst. Whether you've been a victim of this particular tragedy or haven't yet, here are the five types of unrequited love that are bound to be experienced at least once in our lifetime. 
1. The Classic Crush

Starting off with one person having a crush on a special someone, but having that special someone not like them back, this one-sided love marks back to our primary and teenage years, to possibly even now. 
Possibilities may be:
A) The special someone is caught up in their own one-sided love with their attraction being stolen by someone else.
B) The special someone doesn’t have anyone else in mind, but they still don’t share the same feelings for any possible reason.
C) They just don't know. Maybe they barely even know you…(Yikes!)
2. "They're Already in A Relationship

Being self-explanatory, this kind of unrequited love has two possibilities.
A) Even though you've only been acquainted with this person, and already know they have a significant other, something about them can't stop you from feeling the way you do. You see this person around every once in awhile on school campus, at work, the grocery store, park, etc.
B) This person is–yes, indeed–your best friend. You're the good, reliable sidekick who is always there for them whenever they need help, but they're too busy and hung up with their significant other to realize how their secret admirer is feeling. (This one is also known as "Friend-zoned").
3. Friend-Zoned

Oh yes. The terrible “nothing-more-than-a-friend” situation is here.
A) You and the other person are very close friends, and may have been since forever, but they see you as nothing more than a sibling.
B) The both of you only have an “in-school/work” relationship and haven’t had the chance to form an even closer friendship, hence the lack of knowledge about one another. How can the other person like you back if they barely know you? (Well, there are some exceptions, but you know what I mean).
4. Unqualified Orientation

Simply put, the special someone your dear heart has fallen for does not have the same sexual orientation as you. This one slaps you in the face with all the hope you have of them liking you back! Darn, that perfect personality and those good looks!
5. The Celebrity
This person may be a celebrity who is famous world-wide or even only in a certain country. If not those, they might be a popular Youtube personality instead. By any chance, there are probably pictures on top of pictures of them on your phone or laptop for daydreaming about your future together. Don’t forget the reblogged GIFs and videos on your Tumblr, bookmarked articles about them AND completed quizzes of your compatibility percentage. Obsessed much? #Don'tStopDreaming
For the comfort of those who have ever been in any of these unrequited situations when it comes to love, we’ve all been there. Keep your head up and just continue daydreaming–no pain in that! Until then, back to fangirling...

The Grand Budapest Hotel: Thoughts

Okay, okay, I know, I know–I am super late! 

I had never seen such a great, amazing, magnificent–(must I go on?) film in a long while and a few weeks ago, I finally took the time to watch The Grand Budapest Hotel, which was released around Spring of last year, 2014–yes, I know, a bit late. This film was like a breath of fresh air and a splash of water on my face! I don’t know where to begin of what my favorite aspect of it was. Probably all of them. (The writing, camera work, lighting, design–I am not exaggerating). As it is founded as a frame story, the film holds two different time eras–Europe, circa 1930s and 1970s Europe as the current day of the narrator. The art direction was so perfectly set up and the colors were so vivid. They had a way of being able to have everything remain elegant and very detailed with specific colors, and props; which I give another hands down to the lighting department. You could definitely tell there was a very unique and specific color palette for the film. I just love, love, love the colors and design and everything they did for the film! It’s just–ugghkfjdoahufoe;afjdka;fhidoa–so beautiful and wonderful and amazing! Four words I'd give for these colors and the quality would be smooth, rich, delicate, and intricate.  

Some of my favorite color combinations shown in the film were:
- the light pink with hints of forest green from the mountains; sometimes mustard yellow
- the vibrant violet hotel worker uniforms against the rich red hotel carpet/elevator interior
- baby blue ribbons paired with the light pink frosting pastry boxes

I also liked the mustard yellow-y and peachy gold lettering for “The Grand Budapest Hotel”– even the font! And of course, I love the hotel look on the cover in general (the upper half in light pink and bottom half in a darker shade of pink; all with details of a grayish blue and the peachy gold I mentioned)! 


A few more things I really liked is that although the film was based around the same time as when the (WWI) war was beginning, and although it definitely still slipped in scenes/hints of important aspects relating to the war; its personality remained a bit comical because of the situations the main characters would get themselves into. It was really revolved around their lives as diligent workers in The Budapest and not overly focused on the war. I also really really liked the scoring of the film (Symphonic, Intense, Upbeat, Eccentric)! 

As I reached the end of the film, I was left with a kind of lonely, empty and sad feeling. The hotel was so grand, and well-maintained in the beginning but as the story went back to the narrator’s current time, the hotel had gone through a complete transformation, as it was now in the ‘70s. It seemed empty, lonely and dull. 

I asked myself, “How in the world have I been living with a penchant for art without knowing who Wes Anderson was the whole time up until now?” I had seen Fantastic Mr. Fox when it came out, but I was still too young to appreciate the production of it and to even acknowledge who Wes Anderson was. Maybe a few of you reading this have already acknowledged the well-viewed American film director and screenwriter and are laughing at my ignorance! I’m just glad I’ve found yet another artist to add to my “art inspiration” board! 

The 4 Types of Dishwashers

“You’re not scrubbing enough!” “You’re using too much water!” “You should make it more soapy.” “Why don’t you clean the glasses first instead of the plates?” 

We’ve all, at one point of another have been victims, or even accusers of “different method” dishwashing. Everyone has their own way of washing their dishes, and we get that. Some even spaz out, telling others to stop what they’re doing and move out the way, declaring how they ultimately need to wash them instead of the other person before they suffer watching another cringe-worthy session of “wrong” dishwashing. The others just (somehow) keep it to themselves; although there’s probably a 99% chance they're going crazy on the inside.

If you haven’t already noticed my love for all sorts of (weird) lists; here is the one where I list some of the different types of dishwashers and their methods I’ve noticed they tend to revere.  

1. The “First Come, First Serve"
These are the typical people in general who wash dishes in no particular order or way, just to get the job done. Whatever they see first, they wash first. Nothing more.

2. The “Soap All First and Wash Last” 
Pretty much self-explanatory, these are the ones who like to soap each dish first, putting them to the side; then washing them all at the same time once the “soaping” session is done. Conflict usually arises with these guys and the “Clean Each Individually” washers.

3. The Water Conservationist
Also self-explanatory, the water conservationist dish washers are not ones to mess with. Take caution if you decide to help these ones with their chore. They’re usually the ones who brush everyone to the side. They feel better if they do all the dish cleaning themselves–hey, someone has got to help mother earth! Am I right? They never leave the water running. Let me repeat that, they NEVER leave the water running!

Some ways they make an effort to save water while tackling this chore are:
     - Turning the faucet off as they begin soaping
     - Filling one of the dishes (bowl shaped) with water and soap to use–rather than constantly using the faucet

4. The Organizers/“Precise Planner”
The Organizers or “Precise Planners” usually have their own methods when it comes to organization.

Some ways involve:
- Separating each dish by kind before starting (plates, bowls, utensils, etc.)
- Cleaning each dish by kind in order
- Placing all utensils in a bowl, leaving them in hot soapy water

On the topic of washing dishes, listening to music tends to lighten the load and make the chore a little more fun. Here's my monthly Spotify playlist!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Things I Love & Miss About (My) Childhood: Part I

It was around a little after 11 PM and I was watching another rerun of “How I Met Your Mother." Halfway through the episode, there was a scene of Robin and Lily arguing about how Robin doesn’t like kids. To show how she already didn’t like kids even when she herself was one, they showed a flashback of kid-Robin and a girl of a few years younger than her–probably her sister–asking her for help with something. Robin then barked back with something along the lines of, “Can I just have five minutes to myself to read 'Highlights' and drink my juice?” 

Highlights?! Do they still make those anymore? I quickly Googled the magazine and found no signs of defunction. I felt a rush of nostalgia as soon as I heard Robin mention the words “Highlights” and “juice” in the same sentence. I had never even heard of Highlights Magazine in ages, let alone having drank–what I relate my childhood juice to–“Juicy Juice!” Oh, those little juice boxes; and hearing the emptiness enter the box while trying to use the straw to sip the last drop from each corner.

Anyway, Robin’s “Highlights Children's Magazine” moment brought me to recollect not only my favorite magazine as a child, but all the other things that made my childhood–and hopefully yours–special. I have come up with an ongoing list with just those things. Another list to stack on top the countless “missed childhood” lists already online–here it is. 

Literary/Creative Activities
I had this huge reading & writing learning set with special light up pens, stickers, books, etc.; everything literarily magical a kid would've loved, but I forgot the name of it...(It wasn't Leap Reader), Leap Reader, Highlights Magazines, Book Orders, Book Fairs, Coloring Books, Stickers, Beaded Bracelets, Square Braided/Scoubidou Keychains, Arts & Crafts, Sanrio stationary lol)

Classic Fairytales/Stories:
Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty & The Beast, Goldilocks & The Three Wolves, Hansel & Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Red Hen, Rapunzel, Rumplestiltskin, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, The Princess & The Pea, Jack & The Beanstalk, The Frog Prince, The Elves & The Shoemaker, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Honest Woodcutter, The Selfish Giant, Johnny Appleseed, Henny Penny, The Three Little Pigs, The Tortoise and The Hare
Junie B. Jones, Horrible Harry, The Babysitter’s Club, Magic Tree House, The Boxcar Children, Judy Moody, Goosebumps, Harry Potter, Dear Dumb Diary, Pippi Longstocking, The Bailey School Kids, If You Give A ___ A ___, Geronimo Stilton, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dr. Seuss books, The Bernstein Bears, The Rainbow Fish, Roald Dahl books, Clifford The Big Red Dog, Curious George, Mercer Meyer books, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, No, David!, Arthur books, Amelia Bedelia, The Giving Tree, Sideways Stories From Wayside School, Frog and Toad, Chris Van Allsburg books

Toys/(Board, Hand, Singing) Games
Barbies, Betty Spaghetti Dolls, Bop It, Legos, K’nex, Monopoly, Trouble, Life, “Bubble-Gum Bubble-Gum in a Dish,” “Miss Mary Mack,” “Slide,” “Down Down Baby,” “Tweet,” Tag, Freeze Tag, Blind Tag, Hide & Seek

Computer Games/Game Consoles
Kid Pix, Paint, The Pinball Machine, Minesweeper (random clicking), Solitaire (random clicking & guessing)

Paddington Bear, My Little Pony, Jump Start, Clue Finder’s Adventures, Fisher Price Pet Shop

Lilo & Stitch Sandwich Stacker, That’s So Raven Chill Grill Challenge, Suite Life of Zack & Cody Tipton Trouble/Pizza Party Pick Up, Jackson's Beach Treat Delivery, Hannah Montana Jammin' With Hannah/Rockstar Fashion Challenge, Mickey Mouse Pack The House, Kim Possible Bueno Rufus/Shopping Avenger/A Sitch In Time,  
Millsberry, Everything Girl, Neopets, Disney Virtual Magic Kingdom, burger making games (lol), Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends Game

Game Consoles
Playstation I/II, XBOX, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance (Crash Bandicoot), Gameboy Advance SP (The Suite Life of Zack & Cody Tipton Caper), PSP (Need For Speed Most Wanted)

TV Shows/Movies
Cartoon Network:
Tom & Jerry, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, Powerpuff Girls, Cow & Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Dexter’s Laboratory, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Spaced Out, Codename: Kids Next Door, Ed Edd & Eddy, Ozzy & Drix/Osmosis Jones, The Life & Times of Juniper Lee, Hi HI Puffy AmiYumi, Class of 3000, Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends
Disney Channel:
Out of The Box, Bear in The Big Blue House, Rolie Polie Olie, Boy Meets World, Smart Guy, Pepper Ann, The Weekenders, Recess, Even Stevens, Kim Possible, The Proud Family, Lizzie McGuire, That’s So Raven, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Phil of The Future, Naturally Sadie, American Dragon Jake Long, The Buzz on Maggie
Hannah Montana, Jonas L.A., Sonny With A Chance, So Random, Good Luck Charlie, 
Rugrats, All That, The Wild Thornberrys, Are You Afraid of The Dark, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, The Amanda Show, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, Kenan & Kel, Clarissa Explains It All, Secret World of Alex Mack, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power, 6teen, 
My Life As a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide, Drake & Josh, Zoey 101, Victorious, iCarly

PBS Kids/WB/4KidsTV/Etc.:
Arthur, Sesame Street, Teletubbies, Barney, Winx Club, Mew Mew Power, Totally Spies, Darcy's Wild Life, Flight 29 Down

Aladdin, Thumbelina, Pinnochio, Winnie The Pooh, Mulan, Tarzan, Hocus Pocus, Don’t Look Under The Bed, Seventeen Again, Zenon film series, Brink, You Wish, Smart House, Life Size, Even Stevens Movie, The Ultimate Christmas Present, The Luck of The Irish, Halloweentown movie series, Johnny Tsunami, Cadet Kelly, Stuck in The Suburbs, Get A Clue, You Wish, Gotta Kick It Up!, Model Behavior, My Date With The President's Daughter,  The Lizze McGuire Movie, Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-off, Max Keeble’s Big Move, The Kim Possible Movie, High School Musical movie series, Twitches movie series, The Cheetah Girls movie series, Go Figure, Cow Belles, Read It & Weep, Jump In!, Minute Men, 16 Wishes, Princess Diaries
     Pixar/Cartoon Network/Etc.:
Harriet The Spy (the one with Michelle Trachtenberg, not Jennifer Stone), Matilda, A Bug’s Life, Toy Story movie series, Finding Nemo, Monster’s Inc., Ratatouille, Up, Scary Godmother, James & The Giant Peach, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (the older version), Holes, Freaky Friday, Mary Kate & Ashley Our Lips Are Sealed/Holiday in The Sun

Maybe reading this has suddenly sparked a memory or two in you or even have you wanting to YouTube, Google and Netflix your way to a personalized childhood-cartoons marathon after reading this. Maybe it has inspired you to make a pact with yourself to have your future child only grow up on the things (music, television, technology, etc.) that you grew up with! And strictly nothing contemporary. Hey, it’s an idea.

(*I've decided to make a second part to this, as I didn’t even include a Music, Clothing or Food category in this, which are as important as the rest! That’ll be coming up later.)