Friday, October 3, 2014

Thrifty Tip #1: Avoiding Movie Theater Rip-Offs

*DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way trying to promote stealing or copyright issues whatsoever. Thrifty tips are not necessarily intended to be taken seriously.

Instead of buying the rip-off snacks, or the so called “wallet murderers,” bring your own food. I’m assuming by now, majority of you movie-goers are familiar with the fact that the employees do not check your bags, at all. Or at least the ones that I go to. Although, this should apply to everyone else. 
The bigger the bag, the better. If you’re a male, I suggest bringing your girlfriend, sister, female friend, mother, grandmother, -or any female relation you have. If you don’t have one, then I suggest you go & get one, due to the fact that purses are a great advantage. Nothing sexist to the male-purse controversy, but just stating due to prior incidents of harsh statements thrown back such as, “I’m not a girl,” or “Guys don’t use purses.” Yes, I did not forget how they may go with the old-fashioned satchel, or “man-purse,” or now in trend at the moment, the knapsacks/backpacks. Yes I can’t forget about those, but back to the suggestions, I wouldn’t want the employees to think we’re about to hi-jack the wonderful getaway for so called “movie-fanatics.” Unless, I’m probably over-thinking this, and they really aren’t going to get suspicious about backpacks. Maybe they’ll treat them just the same as purses.
Back to the tip: Bring your favorite fast food that fits in the bag you’re bringing. Your choices have no limit. You can bring sushi, Taco Bell, Popeyes, burgers & fries, etc. If you don’t like fast food, then you can bring your own homemade meals in your own containers. Bonus: If you bring your own water bottles, or your preferred beverage.
After the movie: Before you leave, be sure to keep your packaging until you find another public garbage bin. You wouldn’t want to leave your mess lurking around the movie theater only to ruin it for others or your next visit, only to come back, having your purse/bags be checked for foreign food. In other words, don’t let the employees know you ate without buying their food.